My Tamu Tale on the other weekend..

>> Friday, October 23, 2009

When MIL is around, I always get the chance to go to Tamu *which means the place where local seller meets*. Armed with my cellphone I aimed for local's stuff as the victim for my daring shot. Other than becoming her best mate in veggie buying, I am the best moving hanger for her to carry stuffs etc etc..But I like it as after 'shopping' in the tamu, we will always head for our morning breakfast in the coffee shop and tapau*take away* breakfast for the family members. Then no more cooking for lunch as everyone's tummy is already fulled with the take away food.
The Tamu scene located in Keningau Town..

ranging from varieties of veggie....
crabs, prawns and freshwater fish..

to dried salty fish-the oldest ways to preserve fresh fish in order to prevent them from decaying.
varieties of pretty blooms and greens
local sweeties like tapai manis pulut, tapai manis ubi *fermented sweet rice/cassava, kuih cincin
wooden chopping boards - locally made
knives, parang *machete*, small hoes also locally made
aha..I knew you all will buy this if you happen to stumble to one that you dont have..
local cigarettes known as 'sigup' local tobacco, notice that brown tobacco, take a little of that stuffs and put it in the white rolled in the black plastic bag and roll it neat makes a 'sigup'..
and finally this last picture which I think two old couples chatting on something ...They look sweet with bundles of stems behind which I forgot the name..

So how's weekend on your place?
Happy weekend you all..

Finally Meme Award..

>> Sunday, October 11, 2009

Sorry for the long interval, just been away for the celebrations and being lazy at times. Pardon me Autumn Belle of My Nice Garden for the long wait of responding to your Meme's Award. Surely its hard to tell about myself at least seven for the sake that Im not into placing my self image in the blog, its kind like shyness allergy, whats the big deal right. But yes thats me, a glimpse of me will do as an appreciation of having a great blotanical friends like you in the net.
Seven of random choice that I can think of are :

1. This is me and the kids. Hubby is in the next pic..he is facing the other direction when I took the pic..both of us have this excuse us ya..
2. Moving on to my kitchen.. facing this scenery and would you mind having one like this. Sometimes when the paddy harvesting is over, plots of veggies take place where you can see varieties of veggie being carried out to sell in the market by its owner.
the picture is from my other blog blog cabin
and blog garden sky is always like this :
3. This is where we suppose to live when it finish building. Currently Im staying in MIL 's house waiting its progress. Again sorry for the hibiscus blocking its view.
4. Working as a teacher, this is my class of year 08. They are big girls and boys now.
5. My kids. Son Darrell and daughter Emerald. Sure give me loads of work during playtime in the house..

Emerald 4Darrell 8
6. Love music and good songs..can play some musical instrument ..reading during free time but with hands full of messy things done by the kids, my new books almost untouched.

7. Love to watch horror and thrill movie like Wrong Turn and especially murder and ghost stories. A fan of CSI, children's adventure of anything as well as comedy movie. Mr. Bean as well. So you can guess what the person I am. Again sorry for the shy pictures and a not very exposed story of Blog Garden in personal as I admit we are shy people huhu..

I guess by now all the blotanicals that Ive known have already been tagged and Im not sure whether some were not, thus the Meme's award will be forwarded to non blotanical, sure hope they have greens and someday will blog about theirs.
So now I would like to give the awards to :

1. One day At A Time : for her inspiring word of the Heavenly and infos of the world.
2. RoomformyReverie : of her daily life which sometimes reflected me during her age.
3. My Sunny Happy Garden : for her beautiful shots of the greens and nature.
4. My Rustic Bajan Garden : of her garden in Barbados featuring wonderful greens and recipes.
5 Life's a bless : of her blessed family and children.
6. Fayedoza : of her courage and matured way of dealing with life in such a young age.
7. CicakCicak di dinding : of making me smile and grins of his way on telling stories in our Sabahan language.

These guidelines will help :
1. Link back to the person who gave you the award
2. Reveal the 7 things about yourself
3. Tag 7 other bloggers at the end of your post and link to them
4. Let each blogger know they have been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
5. Let the tagger know when your post is up.

have a nice day ahead you all.

The Wani Fruits are falling..

>> Friday, September 11, 2009

Come and walk with me under the Wani/Kuini tree..

The fruits are falling
the plastic bags laden
and the choice of giving
rather than selling
is chosen..
for the sake of the old wani tree..


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