>> Sunday, October 5, 2008
Several types of ubi kayu or tapioca can be found at my backyard, hubby planted them and I usually get the young shoots cooked as greens. It is basically derived from the cassava plant. It is so tasty especially when you cook it with coconut milk and dried fish or ikan masin. But before the leaves can be eaten, you have to pound it with mortar and pestle until it become small pieces and dark green. Im not used to pounding thus I just squeeze the leaves repeatedly until satisfied then wash it with water and cooked with dried fish and coconut milk. More flavour? add in some chillies...the taste? yummy!
another type of tapioca plants
the cooked tapioca leaves with coconut milk and dried fish
The tapioca fibrous roots are used in varieties of cooking and preparation style like bread flour, laundry starch, alcoholic brew as well as tapioca pudding. Normally I just peel the skin and boil it with water adding in pinches of salt. When you poke it with knife and feel it soft then it is already cooked.talking about tapioca makes me hungry ..gonna find some tapiocas green for dinner tonight ..:)
4 Inspiring Leaves:
i love the exoticness of these photographs :)
Thank you, you all inspires me to do more :)
i love these photos
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Thanks.My pleasure.:)
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